National headquarters were opened in 1974 at the IU School of Nursing. In 1967, the society began publishing its own scholarly journal, Image, later renamed the Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Membership expanded significantly after World War II, reaching 6,000 by 1962. To further its mission, the society awarded the nation’s first nursing research grant in 1936 and has supported research ever since. By 1929, the society included six chapters in the Midwest and held its first national convention in Indianapolis. In 1922, six nursing students at the IU Training School for Nurses in Indianapolis founded Sigma Theta Tau, an honor society to recognize scholarship and promote leadership in nursing. Indiana University dedicated a historical marker in 2020 about Sigma Theta Tau International. In 1936, it became the first organization in the U.S. The founder's hoped to bring recognition to nursing as a science through their society. It was founded in 1922 at what has become the Indiana University School of Nursing. The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International is the second-largest nursing organization in the world with approximately 135,000 active members.

Celebration of Teaching and Service Events.IUPUI Intercollegiate Athletics Hall of Fame.Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award.Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad.George Pinnell Award for Outstanding Service Ryan Award for Distinguished Contributions to International Programs and Studies Distinguished International Service Award.

Lieber Memorial Associate Instructor Award.President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Technology.Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award.President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching.The Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers.Research - Sigma research opportunities help contribute to the advancement of clinical practice through evidence-based nursing.
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